Monday, February 21, 2011

Artists . . .


Shadow | Relaxed | Contrast


Triangular| Converging | Symmetrical


Imagination| Ascending| Duality

Work Before First Lesson . . .

Original Piece of Work

I created this A2 poster as part of my BENV 1080 course last year. It was the first time I used programs such as Photoshop CS4 and In Design which i found difficult at first yet, the more i used them the more interesting they became. It was probably my favorite piece of work i created on the Opera House.

Great Piece of Architecture: Dancing Building - Prague (Frank Gehry)

The Dancing Building in Prague caught my interest due to its unique shape and dynamic structure. I chose this as a great piece of architecture since I actually visited it in my travels through Europe last year. When you physically stand next to it you come to realize how amazing the design (by architect Frank Gehry) really is.  

Original Photograph: 

I took this photo in Amsterdam, when i visited the Netherlands last year. I found it really highlighted what Amsterdam is about since more people ride bikes to work etc than use cars. Everywhere you go there are rows and rows of these bikes as shown in my photo.