Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Experiment 3: Final Images of Crysis Environment

The screenshot below encapsulates my bridge in its entirety as it lies suspended between each valley peak. The shear drop towards the valley floor (approximately 200m) serves to highlight the power of my bridge and its ability to create a passage between an otherwise impassable route. Referring to the original eighteen words of power we originally chose for our perspective drawings, words such as dominance, force and underlying come to mind when looking at this aerial shot. 

Aerial Shot

This screenshot provides a close up view of Oprah’s office space, suspended between the two main lengths of the bridge. I decided shape her office in a circular fashion and position it in the middle of my bridge to highlight the immense power and influence she has upon the people who watch and support her show. Referring back to my mash up, and extract taken from Oprah’s article quotes “Oprah's influence on consumer buying and public opinion is so strong it's been dubbed ‘The Oprah Effect’”.  With this in mind I felt the centrality of her office, which overlooks the valley beneath reflected the power she holds well. 
 Oprahs Office Space

You can see from the image below, an aerial shot of Jonathan Ive’s office. Similarly to Oprah’s, his office is situated between each length of the bridge. The only way in which one is able to enter this office space is through the elevator (depicted in image) which transports him to the valley floor and the walkway above that connects with the bridge. This office, suspended in mid-air is unlike many typical office spaces. It represents his company, the Apple Corporation and their uniquely designed innovative and well-crafted products which outmatch many of the other products available to consumers. 

 Jonathan's Office Space

This screenshot highlights the valley over which my bridge spans and shows a close up of the meeting place along the valley floor. I decided to situate this space on the icy lake amongst the deep crevasses surrounded by freezing water. You can see in the second image of the table how daunting the crevasses look. Their immovability relates to the idea of power well, and highlights that, yes indeed both clients, Oprah and Jonathan are powerful people however the natural environment can also be a true indication of power. 

 The Table (Meeting Space)

 The Table + Bridge

This shot (below) looking back towards the bridge is symbolic that power is shown through nature. The vertical drop from the bridge deck to the valley floor is extremely intimidating to say the least. 

 The Valley

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