Friday, March 25, 2011

Draft Building 1

My first draft sketchup model was based on the section above. The corresponding words are: 

Above - Converging (based on Malangi's work)
Below: Duality (based on Banksy's work)

I attempted to illustrate 'converging' by drawing a triangle which comes to a singular point. In the lower half of the section, 'duality' is represented by the two circular shapes.

This was my first attempt at using sketchup to draw the above section. As you can see it varies from the originally proposed draft. 

The above image highlights the two pairs of stairs that were to be included in the model, linking the top studio (Malangi) with the middle gallery and similarly the middle gallery with the lower studio (Banksy)

The images below are rough hand drawn sections of each of the sets of stairs:

Stair 1:

Stair 2:

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