Saturday, April 30, 2011

Experiment 2: Detailed Elements . . .

Below are two images which show the more detailed elements that i have added to my building design in order to reinforce my electroliquid aggregation; "The creation of space using complicated elements can be formed with a combination of simpler materials and elements which are dependant on each other" I added the white panels to the outer walls of Maria's studio workspace (the topmost area) to give the architecture a more dynamic feel. Despite this being a simple addition it reinforces the aggregation of hypotheses between both clients (Maria and Newton), where simple elements combine to create complex spaces. 

Furthermore i reinforced the corners of Newton's studio workspace (lower section of the 
building - the blackened corners) as you can see in the bottom photo. It provides a sense of enclosure from the outside world, and gives you a sense of protection. Both reinforcements, the corners in Newtons studio and panels in Maria's workspace are textured with different materials to once again allude to the combined aggregation of hypotheses. 

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