Saturday, April 30, 2011

Experiment 2: Links . . .

Google Warehouse:

Crysis Objects Folder:

Crysis Levels Folder:

Experiment 2: Final Images from Crysis Environment . . .

Below are my 5 final images from my crysis wars environment, which include the addition of my detailed elements, application of textures, light, medium and dark and development of surrounding landforms and environment etc to a final resolution.

This image is an aerial shot to establish my structure in its surrounding environment. I decided to position it within a deep valley through which a small inlet of water runs. I decided to place my structure just in the water since not all building are designed to sit on a solid massing form. 

 The above image provides a detailed view of two of the three textures i decided to use. As you can probably guess it is my dark and light textures, hence the extreme contrast. I had some trouble importing my darker textured components so it is difficult to make out any detail nevertheless you can see how the combination of textures, and simple rectangular hallway work together to create a more dynamic structure. This relates directly to my combined hypotheses and highlights how materials and elements are dependant on each other. 

In this image you can see the darker texture on the corners of both laboratories (Newton below, Maria above) which contrasts the white panels which contain my light texture. The arm like bridge that connects both clients in a central position is textured with my medium texture. My building contain only rectangular forms. Combine these with a variety of textures and you can see the complex space that has been created, which is heavily dependant on the surrounding environment. It may be difficult to see, but Maria top laboratory is supported by a rock that protrudes from near the waterfall.  

Finally i have included two images below of my environment during the night. The simple addition of an indirect light serves to illuminate the structure, textures and surrounding environment (namely the waterfall) so that we can perceive the building in a different manner than during the day. The lights give a sense of "habitation" and "aliveness". The way in which Maria's studio "hangs" encourages circulation beneath it, further highlighting the complexity created by simple rectangular prisms and their dependency on textures and surrounding environments.

Experiment 2: Detailed Elements . . .

Below are two images which show the more detailed elements that i have added to my building design in order to reinforce my electroliquid aggregation; "The creation of space using complicated elements can be formed with a combination of simpler materials and elements which are dependant on each other" I added the white panels to the outer walls of Maria's studio workspace (the topmost area) to give the architecture a more dynamic feel. Despite this being a simple addition it reinforces the aggregation of hypotheses between both clients (Maria and Newton), where simple elements combine to create complex spaces. 

Furthermore i reinforced the corners of Newton's studio workspace (lower section of the 
building - the blackened corners) as you can see in the bottom photo. It provides a sense of enclosure from the outside world, and gives you a sense of protection. Both reinforcements, the corners in Newtons studio and panels in Maria's workspace are textured with different materials to once again allude to the combined aggregation of hypotheses. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Experiment 2: Textures, Light to Dark . . .

Here are my 36 custom textures. I chose to draw 6 different textures, varying the darkness of each.

Below are my three light, medium and dark textures which were applied to my final crysis model. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Experiment 2: Amalgamation of Axonometric Sketches in Crysis War Environment . . .

I chose the further develop the parallel projection below which is the amalgamation between clients Maria Agnesi & Issac Newton:

I think it is correct to say that one certainly needs simple elements, such as the rectangular prisms we began with to create more complicated pieces of architecture. The above shape demonstrates the combined hypotheses (The creation of space using complicated elements can be formed with a combination of simpler materials and elements which are dependant on each other) since the audience is able to view the arrary of prisms that have been constructed to form this unique shape. Furthermore i have attempted to hatch careful patterns in the above sketch which represent various materials in order to prove that "complicated elements" are formed from a combination of materials. 

Below is my first attempt at importing my parallel projection into my custom crysis environment. I decided to place it in a narrow valley as seen below. I felt it was a unique region to have such a building unlike placing it on the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean etc. My model sits just beneath the surface of a narrow inlet of water, further complimenting its unique position. Here are two screenshots:

Experiment 2: Parallel Projections . . .

Below are my three sets of parallel projections each depicting the amalgamation of two of my previous axonometric sketches taken from different clients. I have tried to combine them in a unique, and exciting manner to highlight  the interconnection that exists between each pair of my drawings. 

 Maria Agnesi & Sigmund Freud:

"A myriad of materials can pose a problem, however through collaboration a more dynamic structure can be created"

Sigmund Freud & Issac Newton:

"The perception of space in a structure, both light and dark, equal and opposite changes over time"

Maria Agnesi & Issac Newton:

  "The creation of space using complicated elements can be formed with a combination of simpler materials and elements which are dependant on each other"

Experiment 2: Electroliquid Aggregation of Hypothesese . . .

Below are my three electroliquidified hypothesese:

Maria Agnesi & Sigmund Freud:

- A myriad of materials can pose a problem, however through collaboration a more dynamic structure can be created

Maria Agnesi & Issac Newton:

- The creation of space using complicated elements can be formed with a combination of simpler materials and elements which are dependant on each other

Sigmund Freud & Issac Newton:

- The perception of space in a structure, both light and dark, equal and opposite changes over time

Experiment 2: Axonometric Sketch in Crysis War Environment

I chose to further develop my axonometric sketch based on my hypothesis from Maria Agnesi, "A myriad of materials create a more dynamic structure" which is featured below:

I then exported this using the playup extension  for sketchup to my Crysis Environment. I had some problems to begin with using playup. For some reason when it installed it did not copy some necessary DLL files however I was able to find these and finally got it working. I decided to place my structure of the edge of a cliff to highlight the three rectangular prisms that elongate themselves from the main building. I felt it created a more dynamic piece of architecture, extruding towards the ocean as seen below:

Experiment 2: 6 Axonometrics Sketches . . .

Below are my 6 axonometrics sketches exploring the amalgamation of 5 rectangular prisms. On the top half of each drawing is one angle of the axonometric sketch while the lower half depicts the opposite angle. I have attempted to use carefully hatched patterns, lines and fillings to accentuate planes that exist in parallel.

Maria Agnesi:

Complicated elements can only be created with a combination of more simple elements

A myriad of materials create a more dynamic structure

Sigmund Freud:

Materials are dependant on each other in the creation of space

The best approach to a problem is through collaboration  

Issac Newton

For every light space there is an equal and opposite dark one

Perception of a structure changes over time

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Experiment 2: Hypotheses . . .

Below are my six different hypotheses (two for each client):

Maria Agnesi:

  • A myriad of materials create a more dynamic structure
  • Complicated elements can only be created with a combination of more simple elements

Sigmund Freud:

  • Perception of a structure changes over time
  • The best approach to a problem is through collaboration 

Issac Newton:

  • For every light space there is an equal and opposite dark one
  • Materials are dependant on each other in the creation of space